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Have you migrated your mailboxes to Microsoft Office 365 and gotten your organization to adopt Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and maybe Teams in the cloud? And now you ask yourself, how do I benefit from all the other assets in Microsoft Office 365? 

Look at what our customers did.


Are you using Microsoft Teams as your organization's platform for collaboration and communication? Learn how to integrate your SharePoint and OneDrive content as a seamlessly integrated part of Microsoft Teams.



Today collaboration stretches far beyond your own organization. So the demand for an easy and effortless way to collaborate securely with external colleagues and business partners is essentially more significant to your business. See how our clients handle external collaboration by utilizing

Microsoft Office 365 and Azure AD.


Intranet serves as a hub for a company's internal communication, integrate your ESDH and documents directly into your intranet. With an out-of-the-box intranet based on Microsoft Office 365, integrate your companies documents repositories as an integrated part of your Intranet.

Reading a Compass


How do you engage your firstline workers? Learn how our customers brought the power of Microsoft Office 365  directly into the hands of their mobile workforce.

©2019 SimplySo.

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