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SimplySo for Teams is an inexpendable piece in your Microsoft Teams strategy. When you install the SimplySo for Teams App, you will instantly provide your Microsoft Teams users with access to all their SharePoint and OneDrive documents and empower them to search across all the team sites they have access to. 


SimplySo is your modern workplace built for Office 365. With SimplySo everyone gets a modern and personal workplace experience. SimplySo provides the exact content and information you need to collaborate seamlessly. Get Work Done no matter where you are. 



SimplySo for Desktop will give you the one entry you need to access all your documents across storage locations and can even help you make a soft migration to the cloud. Work smarter and access all your documents in one powerful app. No matter if your documents are created in Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, local drives or mapped network drives, they will be available to you right from your desktop. 


SimplySo offers a simplified invite where an external user is created as a guest user in the Azure AD and invited to access your shared Office 365 content in the same process. Are you struggling with getting external users on your Office 365 platform you should try SimplySo.  

Reading a Compass


SimplySo is built according to Microsoft best practices, which is one of the reasons why SimplySo has been named as an IP-Co-Sell ready solution by Microsoft. SimplySo integrates seamlessly into the Office 365 environment,  supporting single sign-on. 

©2019 SimplySo.

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